• If your first name has more than one part and you have no last name, please enter the first part of your name in the Last Name field and the other parts in the Middle Name field and a single hyphen “-” in the First Name field. For more information see the ‘Applying to SETU’ frequently asked questions section on our website.
This information is not for fee assessment purposes but to help set you up with the correct point of contact. EU/UK Applicant: If you are a citizen or resident of any European Union country or the United Kingdom. International Applicant: If you are a citizen or resident of a country outside the European Union and the United Kingdom
By creating this account, I agree that: SETU can contact me to provide information relevant to my application/potential application and my potential future studies. Private and Confidential: SETU fully respects your right to privacy and only requests necessary information as per our privacy policy. Declaration: • I certify that the information provided above is correct. • I consent to the collection, storage, and processing of my personal data accordingly. • I understand that SETU may withdraw my account if the supplied information is found to be incorrect, misleading, or falsified. • I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of SETU’s policies. Additional Notes: I understand that my data will be used in accordance with SETU’s data protection policies. I acknowledge that I can withdraw my consent at any time.
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